M.S. Alumni
Minki Jeong
Education:2022.2 M.S. in School of Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology2020.2 B.S. in School of Biomedical Engineering, Korea University
Research Interest: Processing-in-Memory
E-mail:mkaistk [at] kaist [dot] ac [dot] kr
Education:2022.2 M.S. in School of Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology2020.2 B.S. in School of Biomedical Engineering, Korea University
Research Interest: Processing-in-Memory
- Conference:
- Minki Jeong, Wanyeong Jung, MAC-DO: DRAM-Based Multi-Bit Analog Accelerator Using Output Stationary, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May. 2024
E-mail:mkaistk [at] kaist [dot] ac [dot] kr